Increase Your Clientele with Better Email Marketing Lists

Are you over trying to crack social media algorithms or figure out Instagram ads just to get your message in front of the right audience for your business? Trust me, I get it. That’s why I’m now a fan of email marketing lists.

Ladies, what if there were a marketing technique that you could put into effect today that could potentially double the number of clients that you have now, would you give it a try? Heck yeah, right?

This technique is our old friend email marketing and email list building – but with a twist. We all send information via email to potential and current clients, from monthly newsletters to holiday greetings. However, let’s tweak your email marketing process, just a bit.

My Crown & Reign revised email marketing works by simply tapping into your pool of ideal customers and emailing them content that is truly valuable to them, which will switch up your marketing routine and make it easier to increase your impact.

What’s New?
Your new task will be to spend more of your time sending emails promoting your business and expertise to only, who I like to call, VIP target prospects. Trust me, focusing your marketing in this way will make your life easier.

VIP target prospects have the greatest potential to slide their status to ready-to-buy-services mode in a short period of time. They will be your new email marketing list. Reaching VIP target prospects in their inboxes is proven to be a key to increasing your clientele.

In other words, it’s all about building the right email marketing lists to help build the right relationships that will sustain your business over time.

If you have not already, I recommend that you sign up for a professional email marketing list manager that allows you to grab email addresses with ease. There are a few companies that do it well and have fairly priced programs, including ConvertKit and ActiveCampaign.

Now, let’s do a little research to find the best recipients for your new email marketing plan. Don’t worry, it’s not hard.

What’s the DNA of a VIP Target Prospect?
First off, VIP target prospects are those in the market place who not only fit the mold of your ideal customer, but they have also shown heightened interest in a promotion that you’ve advertised online where you offered giveaways or free samples and/or exclusive information in exchange for their email address. This is characterized as opt-in incentivizing (I will get to how to do this shortly).

Why are VIP Target Prospects Important?
VIP target prospects are important because they have opted into your incentives already, which proves that they think what you’re doing is pretty dope. Then, when you send emails, with a specific goal in mind, to these subscribers only, you take the stress out of this process because you’re no longer hunting for new clients to send emails to. With this new method, you are also no longer trying to convince prospects to buy into what you’re offering.

On the contrary, you’re simply strengthening your relationship with people who already like you. Now, other than warm chocolate chip cookies right out the oven, what could be better than that?

How is this New Method Proven?
Well, research shows that prospects are more likely to buy from you when you reach them in their inboxes, using one of your email marketing lists, versus through other online marketing methods, like Facebook or Instagram for example.

And, the conversion rates for prospects becoming buyers is higher for business owners who consistently keep in contact with their email lists versus their social media following.

Therefore, email list building is important.

Let’s Inspect the Numbers. According to a leading U.S. marketing agency, average Instagram engagement is 2.5%, so 1K IG followers yields, on average, 20-50 likes per post. Average email list engagement is greater with 20-40%. 1K email subscribers/ targeted prospects yields 200-400 opened emails.

Thus, you’ll receive greater buy-in with direct email marketing. 

How do I Get Started?
First, you must find your VIP targeted prospects before you can email them. As we’ve discovered, you must incentivize them, or attract them by offering them valuable info in exchange for their email addresses. Your valuable info is also called a lead magnet or freebie.

How do I Create my Lead Magnet?
Next, in order to build a good lead magnet that gets results, you must know what your ideal client needs. So, write a survey where you ask prospects open-ended questions about the challenges/struggles/concerns/desires that they face with their hair or nails, for example. Open-ended questions should always ask, “how” or “what” or “why.”

You will use their responses to create your lead magnets.

Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • What are your biggest struggles when it comes to maintaining your locs?
  • What is the most wild design you’ve worn on your nails that got you crazy attention at work?
  • How hard is it for you to maintain your new cut and color from home; why is it difficult?

Create your survey on a free online platform. SurveyMonkey and Google Forms are good resources. You can also post a survey in your Insta stories. Surveys in Stories will have to be super short and to-the-point.

Send/Post Your Survey.
Second, get your survey out to the people. Where is your ideal client spending most of her time online? Do some cyber sleuthing here. Head over to Instagram and Facebook and hunt for communities of people who fit the description of your ideal client.

How Facebook Can Help.
On Facebook, especially, look for Facebook groups that have many members who, again, fit the description of your ideal client. Post a link to your survey on these online platforms. Of course, also post a link to your survey on your business’ social media pages and website.

Make Note of your Ideal Customers’ Needs.
Now, I recommend that while you wait for the responses to roll in, continue to research the needs of your ideal client. Go back to the Facebook Groups and Instagram communities where you’ve found many of your ideal clients socializing, see what they are talking about in these groups.

Consider these Questions.
What challenges and struggles do they discuss? What questions do they ask? Take detailed notes. These are the topics that you should also focus on in your freebie. And, your feedback to these topics will give them the most value.

What are Good Lead Magnet Ideas?
Lead magnets are typically digital products. Your digital product will be delivered online to your prospects. You can send it to them via email and/or as a free download from your website.

Lead Magnets Can Be:

  • Free PDFs (these are easy to download) and How-To Videos
  • Fun Quizzes
  • Coupons and Discounts

With free PDFs and how-to videos, you will give advice, tips, methods of execution, processes, product-picks, and other takeaways that offer your expert knowledge and solutions to the beauty challenges, struggles, and/or questions that you’ve found out that your prospects are experiencing. This is how you will provide value.

Gather your Survey Responses and Research.
What are your ideal customers’ most pressing challenges, concerns, desires? Do you notice a pattern in their responses? These are the issues that you want to discuss and provide solutions for in your free PDF or video.

Carve out a few hours in your schedule to create at least 5 lead magnets. Make them easy to digest, short and sweet, and full of your expertise.

Here is How a Scenario May Look for a Beauty Entrepreneur Who Follows these Steps: Let’s say Crystal is a hairstylist in a small community in Lexington, Kentucky that has a dominant population of moms who work from home. Crystal has noticed that several of her clients are moms and their friends, and she enjoys working with them. She wants to find out more about their beauty needs. Thus, Crystal Googled, “local moms groups Lexington, Kentucky” and found MOMS Club of Lexington-East.

Next Steps for Crystal:
She then hopped on Facebook and searched for the same group and found a MOMS Club Facebook group. Coincidently, Crystal is also a mom, so she requested access and joined the MOMS Club Facebook group. She is actively engaged with the group and participates often.

Just recently, she posted a 4-question survey and received lots of responses that she is using to create her lead magnet. Then, she used Canva to make a pretty downloadable PDF all about how to keep your new colored hair healthy and bright between salon visits.

She used her survey responses to figure out her topic for her lead magnet. Then, she just let her expertise shine!

What are the Final Steps in the Email Marketing Lists Process?

Get Email Addresses.
Next, use your email list manager (i.e., MailChimp or GoDaddy) to create a sign-up form that you will post on all your online platforms (website; social media) where you are advertising your freebie (Make sure to use language in your ad that includes a call-to-action.). Prospects will give you their email addresses in exchange for a link to your freebie.

Now, you have an email marketing list of VIP target prospects who can’t wait to hear more from you! So, keep emailing them information that they will value. You have the research to do this, and if you need more, don’t hesitate to circulate another survey. Remember, in your emails, also tell your email marketing list about your business’ offerings and specials.


  • Your VIP target prospects are your secret to staying booked.
  • Uncover your VIP target prospects through opt-in incentivizing.
  • Create a bomb lead magnet and circulate it with the help of your email marketing lists.
  • Advertise your lead magnet everywhere!
  • The value that you provide + specials to entice your VIP target prospects to make an appointment are your keys to increasing your clientele.
  • Subscribe to Crown & Reign and stay in-the-know.