Girls Network. Yes, You’re One of Us

As Taylor Swift once said, “Other women who are killing it should motivate you, thrill you, challenge you and inspire you.” This is the code that some women entrepreneurs are fiercely living by today and their go-team attitude is spreading. Today, it’s time that you challenge yourself to upgrade the network of women with whom you socialize professionally to help your business grow. 

New Leaders
Coralus, formerly SheEO, is comprised of thousands of female business owners who invest millions of dollars annually into the Perpetual Fund. Their combined effort funds the ventures of female founders who apply and are selected into the program. Then, there’s The Female Quotient, which has connected thousands of female entrepreneurs across the world to new professional opportunities. These are just a couple of the many organizations that continue to provide support to fellow female business owners stateside and around the world.

Embrace Your Sister Circle
This each one-share one philosophy is helping to create what Oprah is calling the new girls’ network, and it’s a safe (and happy) bet that we will see this philosophy continue to surge.

Although today’s pop culture, from reality TV to music, would have us to believe that women are cutting each other down at every turn with jealously, cattiness, and deceit, go on a scroll through social media, and you’ll see a totally different story.

From women’s online communities, like Boss Babe Box and Real Brown Girls, to those that are all about empowering beauty entrepreneurs, like Salt Society and The Thriving Stylist, women are excited to help other women to move their businesses forward.

Numbers Don’t Lie
And embracing a girls network is actually good for business. According to recent research from the Harvard Business Review, women who have an inner circle of other women with whom they stay in close contact, are more likely to experience greater professional success than women who roll solo.

Ready to reap the benefits of being enterprisingly social? Here’s how you can extend your tribe:

“Network” for Fun

Simply putting yourself in environments that give you the opportunity to meet with peers and get to know each other and share experiences can be a game changer,” Gail Tifford, former Chief Brand Officer of WW, formerly Weight Watchers, has said. And chances are, if you make meaningful connections, they are the ones that will last a lifetime

Cultivation is Key
Gail makes a good point. And, if you want your new connections with others to morph into strong bonds, remember that these relationships require nurturing. Consistently follow up with the contacts that you’re meeting and keep the conversation going is paramount for a girls’ network to thrive.

Learn and Return the Favor
It is an effective strategy to actively seek guidance from a mentor to grow in your beauty business. It’s a fact that business owners who are mentored by top-producing entrepreneurs are 3x more likely to become top producers themselves.

Then, once you feel your growth activating, share your newfound nuggets of wisdom with a newbie business owner and become her mentor. But, before putting on your Teacher’s hat, glean some business tips from Mahisha Dellinger, author, CEO and founder of natural hair care brand CURLS.

Schedule Social Time
It’s an understatement that we all sometimes feel overwhelmed with juggling our families, businesses, and just the daily hustle. So, naturally adding in getting to know new faces along with everything else that requires our attention can be a struggle.

Therefore, be social on purpose. At least twice a month, physically add social activities that you want to attend or get-togethers with your crew to your calendar with reminder notifications.


  • You get what you give when it comes to sustaining relationships with other women.
  • Be patient with yourself as you network with new people. Great bonds with others don’t happen overnight.
  • Be open to learning from women who have walked in your shoes and climbed to new heights. They will have some great stories to share!
  • Subscribe to Crown & Reign and stay in-the-know.