Who’s That Girl? How to Perfect Your Ideal Customer Profile

Been feeling like you just can’t seem to consistently get the right people to notice the incredible work that is happening at your beauty business? No worries, you’re not alone. Building an ideal customer profile for your business will get you on GO in no time!

If you want your marketing message to clearly speak to and attract your ideal customer, you must know who she is, what she likes, dislikes and, to some degree, what her life is like professionally and personally.

These are the 5 major components of your ideal customer profile.

Why Building an Ideal Customer Profile = Success
So, once you create an ideal customer profile for your business, you will know what to say and how to say it to earn her attention. Knowing these traits will also help you to best engage with her and, later, meet her beauty-related needs. 

Click here to see why figuring out your ideal customer is important to the livelihood and long-term stability of your business.

How It Works for Business
Okay, let’s get personal here for a sec. Do you remember the last time you went bra shopping? Well, if your trip to Victoria Secrets, Intimacy, or any retailer in between, was anything like mine, you were overwhelmed by the array of choices – from strapless and racerbacks to non-padded cups and push-ups.

But I get it. Offering women variety when it comes to bras is necessary because a one-size-fits-all approach just doesn’t work. 

Are You a One-Stop Shop for All?
Your approach to how you do beauty should be the same as the undergarments market. The services that you provide are not one-size-fits-all solutions. And, while you won’t solve everyone’s problems, you will solve some people’s problems.

Our job as entrepreneurs is to decipher who those people are. They are our tribe.

You should focus our attention on making them—and only them—happy.

It’s just that simple, ladies. 

Why Identifying Your Tribe is Important 
You have goals for your business, and you will only be able to reach them if your business is profitable.

And, you will create long-term profitability by reaching and servicing your ideal client. Research shows that meeting her needs in a way that your competitors can’t and promoting your beauty business using language that is relatable to her will attract her easily.

As you repeat this process daily, word spreads around your community and your fan base grows.

Larger fanbase = greater profit. 



Together, let’s create your ideal customer profile and define who your best clients should be. Use my downloadable Workbook that is all about how to figure out your ideal customers in order to increase your profit. This is your action plan for getting the right customers to walk into your business.

This offer is available for a limited time, so get yours today and get started increasing your appointments!
